Tuesday 26 November 2013

Just Blessed

I am truly blessed to have you in my life. The day that you entered my world changed me in such a positive way. Life is beautiful now. I see the importance in every action that I take. Each second is cherished. You are the most incredible person that I have ever encountered. Thank you for being the man that you are. I love, appreciate, trust, honor, praise, and worship you with all of my being. I commit, submit and devote all of myself to you and you only forever. It is such a privilege that you have bestowed on me to be your wife. I truly understand the meaning of marriage and all of the joys and responsibilities involved. Always know that there is not any hurdle that we can't jump over together. The love that we share is priceless. Words can't even begin to touch the surface of our union. My mind is working overtime in appreciation of you and I just wanted you to know. If what I just said touches your heart and let's you know how I feel. Just think how you would feel if I could really find the words. I only touched the surface of my feelings. Your happiness inspires my happiness. You are like air to me...I need you.

I love you and I can't wait to meet you at the altar...

(message to my future husband :)